Data Protection Policy

North East Military Vehicle Club ltd. (NEMVC) – DATA POLICY DOCUMENT                          Issue 1 June 2018

The Data Protection Act 1998 & General Data Protection Regulation 2018,


All persons permitted to hold a NEMVC Membership Database (full or partial) must complete and sign the NEMVC’s Data Protection Safe Keeping DECLARATION – BY PERSONS OR A COMPANY IN RECEIPT OF A NEMVC MEMBERSHIP DATABASE and return the form to the NEMVC Secretary, email:


No member shall give a copy of any part of the NEMVC Membership Database to any other member without first obtaining written consent from Directors representative, the Data Protection Officer


Any member who holds a NEMVC Membership Database, but is not authorised to do so must hand back the copy of the database to the Data Protection Officer in whichever form it is held.


The NEMVC’s principal Officers; Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer may rescind authority from a person, company / organisation to hold all or part of a NEMVC Membership Database.


All NEMVC members have the right to view a copy of the records held about them on the NEMVC Membership Database. This can be obtained by sending an email request to NEMVC the Data Protection Officer at


Any person in receipt of a NEMVC Membership Database shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the data is kept secure


Use of the NEMVC Membership Database is authorised for contacting members for official NEMVC purposes only.


The NEMVC shall comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and all other current and future Data Protection legislation.